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Austin Independent School District
Statistical Disparity Study

The Austin Independent School District (“District”) is conducting a statistical disparity study of its Historically Underutilized Business Program (“HUB”).  The study seeks to ensure that HUBs have equal access to contracting opportunities and that the District’s current program remains legally defensible and administratively successful.

Norman-Sims Elementary School Groundbreaking; Photo Credit - AISD
Norman-Sims Elementary School Groundbreaking; Photo Credit – AISD

A disparity study involves compilation of evidence to determine whether the District has a strong basis for implementing race- and gender-conscious contracting remedies for its contracts, and narrowly tailoring its HUB program. This study will examine statistical evidence of disparities, if any, between the availability of minority- and woman-owned firms and their utilization on District contracts and related subcontracts and throughout the Austin economy as a whole.

The contract for this study has been awarded to Colette Holt & Associates (“CHA”), a San Antonio-based nationally recognized expert team on disparity studies and M/WBE programs.

How will the study obtain and confirm information?

The study team will contact businesses to confirm information on specific contracts and/or to receive additional contract information that is currently not available to the District.

Click here to download the Frequently Asked Questions.

Click here to download the study introduction presentation.